CelluBOR; soluzione naturale per l'isolamento

Premio d'investimento dell'anno CelluBOR Insulation

Sound Isolation and Acoustics

Sound insulation materials are products that prevent the sound from being transmitted to other parts of the building, which keep it in place, and prevent unwanted sounds from coming from outside.

Sound-absorbing materials vibrate in the environment to reduce the acoustic waves, background noise and bad echoes. Sound absorbing materials are not used alone to prevent sound from entering from the outside, but increase the sound quality considerably in the places where they are used.

Sound waves lead to sound transitions by bringing vibration to & nbsp; the building elements between independent sections. The most practical way to prevent sound passage is to divide the common building element between the sections by two independent layers and to place sound absorbing materials between the two layers. The weakened sound waves, which can be partially transmitted through the first layer, are absorbed in the sound absorbing material in a large damping manner and the sound transmission is minimized by being exposed to the extra resistance resulting from the mass of the second layer. This principle in sound insulation is known as the "Mass - Spring - Mass Law".

CelluBOR is both the most important component in the sound-interception system and is used as a sound absorber. According to the result of the sound absorption test made, CelluBOR's sound absorption coefficient is in the class A and its sound absorption coefficient is 1.0. CelluBOR has the ability to insulate sound up to 70 dB according to the measurements of air sound insulation according to different frequencies when applied in the system with the right building components. Its irregular and fiber texture prevents echoes and ringing. It removes the noise pollution and creates a peaceful and comfortable environment.


Why is Sound Insulation required?


• Sound insulation is necessary to prevent noise transmission between houses and neighbors in adjoining houses, creating quiet and peaceful spaces.
• Sound insulation is a legal obligation under the "Regulation on the Protection of Buildings against Noise" published in the official gazette.
• Sometimes conversation or music can be heard from adjacent apartments. Sound insulation is required for privacy.
• In environments such as studios, sound from an audio source is necessary for acoustic modulation, ie, to prevent waves from reflecting back and distorting the existing sound.
• The impact sounds, such as mechanical noise, that do not reach uncomfortable dimensions are necessary for damping without being transmitted from the source
• The noise that can be defined as high and irregular sound affects human health and the environment negatively. Sound insulation is required to create a peaceful and healthy environment.
• Noise removal from living areas makes the sound insulation environment more valuable than others.




Sound Insulation Materials

What is CelluBOR?